Tag Archive | motivation

I just don’t get it!

At the beginning of September I was chosen to participate in a “Healthiest Loser Challenge” put on by my local Lions Club. If you missed my post about that check it out here. Well every week there are voluntary seminars (they are only an hour long) that talks about different ways to make this a lifestyle change NOT just a diet to win money, per say.  I know there were going to be people that wanted to just do this to win and their thought process would be just to walk for 20 mins but still eat crap. That just gives me the upper hand already. Well at last nights seminar we were talking about going to the grocery store and reading nutritional labels. During the beginning part of the seminar the lady that is part of the “in charge committee” asks how we are all doing so far. And then says “What week are we in? 3? 4?” Most people say 4 and some lady in the crowd says “Can we eat yet?” HAHA…Funny right? But in reality I really think she was being serious.

Another part of the challenge is to track food and exercise for the week. We can turn in the logs every week for points that go towards our total points for the challenge. I over hear another person tell her friend “Who has time to do that?” Oh…Mmm…Gee!! Are you serious? I understand people work but it’s an EASY 14 more points to write down what you had to eat. The logs were made up for us. So all you have to do if you want to use those ones is write what you eat.

I know that you are probably saying why are you venting about this? I know it’s not my life but it’s frustrating because I’m taking this challenge serious. I’m putting in all the work to change my lifestyle. I just don’t get why people don’t want to put in the effort to change and make themselves healthier. This post may sound petty to some but I guess that’s just the “helper” side of me that wants to make everything better.

I guess the upside to this is that I know I’m putting in the work and the work will pay off for me. Who know’s all this work may make me the winner of the challenge!! Ok, vent over! I promise!! 🙂


Let’s Do This!

Yesterday was the official launch day for the Go Fit Gals website. Have you checked it out? If not, I am not sure what you are waiting on because you are missing out on some amazing-ness!! (Why yes, I did just make that up because it is that good!) *ha*

During the next six weeks I will be blogging and tweeting about the 6 Week Shape Up Plan. Don’t forget to follow me on twitter. (Shameless plug) I will not be able to go into specific recipes or workout types, I will do my best to share openly and honestly as I possibly can.

I received this plan on Friday morning and Wow! I couldn’t wait to start. I was so excited I made out my meal plan and grocery list for the week that afternoon. The recipes are amazing. Everything sounded so good it was hard to pick what I was going to eat for the week…But I did it! After a day and a half of doing the #6WeekShapeUp program I have to say that it is defiantly worth every minute of your hard work and dedication to try it out too.  So make sure you check out GoFitGals.com and sign up for the Little Black Dress challenge. I did! 


Disclaimer: Go Fit Gals gave me the program to try and blog openly and honestly about. During the next six weeks, all opinions are my own! 

Motivational Monday & Such

How was everyone’s weekend? Thanks to my sinuses I felt like ass  sick all weekend.  I am feeling a little better today but not 100% yet. Although I didn’t feel good all weekend, I still made it to the gym Saturday morning and made a personal best record on the elliptical!!!! 4 miles in one hour.  Go ME!

I also decided to do some food prepping yesterday and once that started it became a HUGE cooking spree!! Want to know what goodies I made? Here you go…..

First I made my weekly mason jar salads. I love using mason jars for salad and fruit containers. I think they take up less room in the fridge and keep everything fresh!

After salads were made I decided to try a new recipe I found from Pinterest. This recipe was No Bake Energy Bites. Original recipe can be found here.

Ingredients needed:

1c oatmeal or steel oats
1/2 c peanut butter or other nut butter
1/3c honey
1 c coconut flakes
1/2 c mini chocolate chips
1 tsp vanilla

Mix everything in bowl

Refrigerate for about a half hour
Roll into balls


I also made Sesame Seed Green Beans with Ham Steak this weekend for dinner.  I got the green bean recipe from Six Sisters’ Stuff.


1 1/2 pounds green beans, washed and trimmed
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 teaspoons dark sesame oil
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
2 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds
Salt (to taste)


Place beans in a large saucepan or wok.  Cover with 1/2 inch of water and boil for 2 minutes.  Transfer beans to a colander and run under cold water.  Drain well.  Heat a wok or large nonstick frying pan over high heat.  Drizzle vegetable oil into your pan and rotate your pan to spread out your oil.  Add sesame oil and crushed red pepper flakes.  Add beans and stir-fry for 2 minutes.  Sprinkle with sesame seeds and salt and toss to coat evenly. Enjoy!!
I have to say that both recipes are highly recommended. 
Did you try anything new this weekend?

Thoughtful Thursday

So today while wasting time browsing through my emails I seen my daily fit tip from Fitness Magazine. The title was “cut 100s of calories a day without going hungry”. Intrigued yet? I was. It gave ways to cut 100, 250, or 500 calories a day.

Here are some of the ways you can cut calories:
100 –

  • Use skim milk instead of flavored Coffee-Mate.
  • Eat high fiber cereal (fiber keeps you fuller!!)
  • Indulge in one slice of angel food cake drizzled with chocolate syrup instead of 3 cookies.

250 –

  • Pick turkey over tuna on a 6 in sub
  • measure out breakfast cereal

500 –

  • fruit before every meal
  • smaller portion sizes and lower calorie recipes

Here is the complete list of items that were suggested. Remember it’s such a small list but if you are motivated to try at least one. You are on the right track to making better life changing choices!! Thanks Fitness Magazine!!



Welcome September!

Disclaimer: Lots of random topics today! And since I lost this post yesterday..it’s a day late! 😦

Wow! It’s already September. Can you believe it? Where did this summer go!!! I am ready though for Fall. I am ready for hoodie weather, leaves changing, pumpkin picking, football season and all the fun things that have to deal with Fall. What is your favorite season?

Now that it’s a new month it’s time for a new set of goals. Tuesday starts my Healthiest Loser Challenge and I am pretty stoked for that to start. I am OCD though and have already got my binder ready and calendars set. Along with this challenge I am going to continue to do burpees everyday and I also found a Sept challenge for squats. Want to join in them with me? Let me know! The more the merrier!

Last week started the #CHAARG100days challenge. Are you participating? Here is a recap of the first week. It started when I was on vacation so I was a late start (thanks touch and go WIFI!!!) but I quickly caught up.

Day 1: Water – drink your weight in oz. Although that was a huge challenge for me..I was only about 30 oz short for the day. I have to say it’s an accomplishment though because I usually have a hard time getting my water intake for the day in.

Day 2: Add a multivitamin to your daily routine. My vitamin of choice is a gummy. I won’t lie, it’s usually the ones that are on sale. 🙂 What are your vitamin of choice?

Day 3: 3 servings of RAW vegetables/fruit. Easy Peasy!! I do that all before mid day snack. My goal every is to get a fruit or veg with every meal. Some times I use a protein bar for a snack but more often then not I have fruit or a veg with every meal.

Day 4: Carb control – Get rid of WHITE CRAP CARBS.  – Done. We made the switch a few months ago. Although every now and again (usually less then once a month) I will have a small baked potato with our steak dinners but after I remember why I don’t eat it all the time. I feel like crap! So this house is a white carb free home and will stay that way! It was a hard move to make because I used to crave white carbs. If I allowed myself I would have sat down and ate a whole loaf of white bread in a day. I never did but boy somedays it was very tempting!

Day 5: Protein Power. Adding protein to each meal is a challenge because sometimes I just want a salad but I am trying my best to incorporate protein and lots of it!

As September rolls around I have also decided to be apart of Fitness Cheerleader’s September Blog Challenge. 

Sept 1: Describe your pre and post workout routine
Mine would be easy. Normally I get up before the sun is awake, hit the gym for about a hour and then come home, shower and get usually have a PB multigrain english muffin and some fruit with lemon water.  What are your pre and post workout routines?

And last but not least….some over the top exciting news…..

I am officially a Fitfluential Ambassador! 🙂 Want to find out more – Check it out HERE!

Happy Sunday!!